ADR-TANK Containers are special containers used in dangerous goods transportation and designed in accordance with the European Union (EU) regulations, ADR (Accord européen relative au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route). These containers have been specially developed and tested to ensure the safe transport of hazardous chemicals and substances.

ADR-TANK containers are widely used in the chemical, petrochemical, medical, food and other industries for the safe and effective transportation of hazardous materials. These containers ensure that dangerous goods are transported without leakage and protected against external factors.

These containers are made from high quality alloy steel or aluminum, providing durability and reliability. In addition, it is produced with strict quality control processes, ensuring full compliance with ADR regulations. The design and construction of the containers are optimized to withstand harsh conditions such as high pressure, temperature changes and impact.

ADR-TANK containers are available in different capacities and sizes. Thus, they can be selected to suit the quantity and transport requirements of different dangerous goods. The interior design of the containers is specially designed to ensure the safe and stable fixation and transportation of loads.

ADR-TANK Containers are equipped with various features to ensure safety and security during transportation. These features include sealing systems, safety valves, fill and discharge connections, high pressure caps and fire prevention systems. In addition, there are markings on the containers in accordance with the dangerous goods marking and labeling rules.

ADR-TANK containers are considered a reliable option for dangerous goods transportation and are manufactured in accordance with strict international standards. These containers are designed to ensure the safety of drivers and the environment involved in the transport of dangerous goods.

ADR-TANK containers complying with ADR regulations are used in international transportation of dangerous goods, ensuring safe and effective transportation of dangerous goods. These containers provide operational convenience and efficiency while minimizing the risks in the transport of dangerous goods.

As a result, ADR-TANK Containers are special containers that offer reliable and convenient solutions for the transportation of dangerous goods. These containers, which are designed in accordance with ADR regulations to ensure the safe transportation of dangerous chemicals and substances, have an important role in terms of safety, durability and safety in dangerous goods transportation. Widely used in different sectors such as the chemical, petrochemical, medical and food industries, ADR-TANK containers make a valuable contribution to the industry in the safe transportation of hazardous materials.